=====Cass Coeus===== “Cass! It’s good to see you in person again!” Cass, having just floated over the ocean, has arrived on The Alan Hoyne Institute’s peninsula once more — and already, Brandon has come up to meet them, arms taking them in with a hug. //It’s good to see you too, Brandon//, Cass broadcasts back, as they instantly reconnect to their bond — strong, like the roots of a tree; weaved through time, that now it barely seems to take much to uphold across the city. The two of them head from the beach to the main part of the Insitute, and greet several of the other Hoyners. Conversation drifts from activism to updates on Mx. Brady’s unpleasantness, and after a good while, Brandon motions to Cass that she has something to show them. Levitating alongside him, Cass is taken back round to the place where the trees were planted, what must have been a year or so ago. Now, however, it’s arranged with the table from Brandon’s room, some nice lighting, blankets put out… and on the table sits a Boardbrawl board, with pieces in formation. //Oh? Challenging me again so soon?// Cass thinks, mirth spreading through their connection. //After your Queen Bee was overthrown in that revolution, I would’ve thought you’d be too ashamed to face me.// //Hey! I have to even the scores somehow,// Brandon laughs out loud, //What better shot do I have than by tempting you with a game on Visitor’s Day?// And with that, the two sit down to play. It’s intense, as it always is between two experienced players — but it’s also friendly, and there are interspersed thoughts thrown back and forth as the two catch-up on how things have been: Brandon’s mum, working on releasing pent up anger, and taking advantage of the exercise from all the walk-outs. Amongst all the topics, however, it doesn’t slip Brandon’s notice when Cass sets up a Reverse Prawn Medium Rare Lightning Strike Manoeuvre. But with Brandon’s capybara enjoying an afternoon nap, he’s powerless to stop it. //Victory!// Cass sends. Brandon feigns disappointment, but through the connection, it’s clear how happy they feel. With the game over, Cass begins to feel the tiredness from the day roll in, their body sinking somewhat in their chair. The beginning signs of fatigue — not quite burned out, just yet. //Hey,// Brandon’s thought is soft, care and the desire to support emanating through it, //You need anything?// There’s a small pause, as Cass deliberates the answer. //Would you mind if you could bring my wheelchair for me?// Cass asks. //I think I want to make the journey back while taking a break.// Brandon nods and gets up, a smile on their face. //Of course. I’m always happy to lend a hand, Cass.//