=====Davy Jenkins===== The courtroom settles into a tense silence as the judge re-enters the room. Every available bit of space is packed with interested parties, hanging on every word of this landmark trial. "Mr. Davy Jenkins, this court finds you guilty on the charges of harassment of Mr. Wallace Udarnik, 4 counts of breaking and entering, interference with ongoing police investigations, failure to register a Spark, and conspiring with known terrorists. You are hereby sentenced to a minimum of 8 years in a specialised top-security facility, with a possible further 20 years pending review at the end of the initial sentence. "I must acknowledge that this case is being carefully watched, as we set precedent for the future of sentencing for Spark-involved crimes. While this court notes that Mr. Jenkins' spark was used in the perpetration of these offences, no additional sentence is being imparted beyond the failure to register a Spark. "It is hoped that Sparks who are avoiding registration to rethink this choice, as this court looks dimly upon such decisions." As the verdict is announced, there is a flurry of activity at the news hits the internet. Davy's mother crying, reaching out, as the sealed unit her son is in is carried away. As he's carried towards the armoured van outside, the sea of press swarms in, a thousand cameras flashing. "Do you regret it?" "No,” he says, calmly, "I finally found something worth being arrested for.”