=====Mar Díaz Walsh ===== The champagne cork shoots off several feet away from the boat. The group lets out a cheer. "Hmmm... not sure it's a great start to be littering in the ocean." "I'll fetch it.” The Magpie deftly swoops over and plucks the floating cork out of the water. "I definitely think it would have been a bit nicer chilled.” "I don't know what you mean, my glass is fine.” The group let out a comic groan. One of these days he'll get tired of that joke. "It's a shame you can't be at the proper graduation.” "Eh, too many people, who wants to spend 5 hours as some old person reads out lists of names forever. This is much nicer.” "Plus, this way there's no chance of running into... him.” "Him? Oh... wow, I've not thought about him like... all year. Anyway, that's the least of my worries. Getting up at 6am every day for the next month is the true horror." "Well, there's got to be some downside to landing yourself such a cool internship. Watch out little fishies, Marcelo Díaz Walsh is gonna get ya.” "My love, we are researching them. And the first study is mostly about eels.” "Watch out little eels, Marcelo Díaz Walsh is gonna... research you intensely.” "Wow, you are such a doofus.” "You're not wrong there. Oh — you're still gonna be able to make the rally in a couple of weeks, right?" "Yup! Got it all cleared with the team. A couple of them were even interested in coming along." "Wow, it's all going on for you, isn't it?" "Living the dream. It's nice to finally be in control, and feel like I have a direction I get to choose, ya know?" "That's good to hear because... does anyone remember how to drive the boat?" "Crap."