======GMs and NPCs====== The GMs behind //Origin Story//. We're very up to discuss the game with you -- whether you need help, a turnsheet extension, or want to discuss the direction your character is going! **If you wish to email a GM**, please include "FAO: [GM name]" in the subject, to ensure we see it. You can also email NPCs -- although, bear in mind that many NPCs will not be easy for random kids to get in touch with, and getting noticed may take more work than just sending an email! **If you wish to contact an NPC**, put "FAO: [GM name]" in the subject, or "FAO: [NPC name]" if you don't know who plays them. You can also email the whole team at [[gm@originstory.oxfordrpg.com]] =====Oli (Head GM)===== **OC Pronouns:** They/she **Contact:** [[gm_oli@originstory.oxfordrpg.com]] **Game Interests:** As Head GM, I would love to talk about any and all things //Origin Story//. I'm particularly interested in the forging of superhero identities, and how they reflect the person beneath them. **If I Had a Spark:** The ability to split into several almost identical copies. **NPC List:** ^ Name ^ Pronouns ^ Location ^ Description ^ | Kai Gale | They/them | Forum | A jaded 20 year old on the forum with a cutting sense of humour | | Ellen Palmer | She/her | Alan Hoyne | A new arrival, who got sent to the Institute after an incident at Citropolis High late last year | | Amreet Alvarado | She/her | Forum | Make! Spark! Based! Art! -- a 16 year old on the forum, who will excitedly talk to anyone who will listen about her experiences at Mr Winther's Art Club at CCVE | | Drew Jordan | They/them | Forum/Citropolis High | A sparked brawlballer on the Citropolis High team | | Oliver Isted | He/him | Forum | A boy who's spark has only just sprouted | =====Gemma===== **OC Pronouns:** She/her **Contact:** [[gm_gemma@originstory.oxfordrpg.com]] **Game Interests:** I'm excited to explore all sorts of interpersonal relationships, families, friendships, you name it! Also very interested in any aspects of disability allegory explored in the game. **If I Had a Spark:** I'd probably have some kind of empath ability? Flight would be cool though. **NPC list:** ^ Name ^ Pronouns ^ Location ^ Description ^ | Aster Sinensis | They/them | Forum | A shy 19 year old very unsure of their place | | Jen Bryum | She/her | Forum | An enthusiastic 18 year old who lives in the Alan Hoyne Institute | | Mr. Blavatsky | He/him | The Alan Hoyne Institute | The jaded three-eyed teacher at Alan Hoyne | | Nestor Hoyne | They/them | Central | A politician sympathetic to Spark issues | ===== Luke ===== **OC Pronouns:** He/him **Contact:** [[gm_luke@originstory.oxfordrpg.com]] **Game Interests:** I'm particularly interested in the 'plottier' areas of the game, like those revolving around the forgotten history and secrets of Citropolis, and dealing with the stranger superpowers ideas. **If I Had a Spark:** Tapping into the collective unconscious or some similar metaphysical silliness. **NPC List:** ^ Name ^ Pronouns ^ Location ^ Description ^ | Marcus | He/him | Forum | The 21 year old moderator of SparkInYou.org | | Professor Rafael Ortiz | He/him | University | An openly Sparked professor of history at the University of Citropolis | ===== Maisie ===== **OC Pronouns:** She/her **Contact:** [[gm_maisie@originstory.oxfordrpg.com]] **Game Interests:** I adore making personal content. I love theme exploration, delving into emotions, relationships of different kinds, and using allegories for self-exploration -- lots of things! **If I Had a Spark:** Some form of telekinesis, or maybe the ability to shapeshift parts of myself as I wish (aesthetic //and// practical). **NPC List:** ^ Name ^ Pronouns ^ Location ^ Description ^ | Citrus Boy | He/him | Forum | An excitable, trusting 13 14 year old; a sweet boy | | Brandon Ball | Any | Forum | Alan Hoyne student with cannons on their shoulders — and a PASSION for Brawlball | ===== Cameron ===== **OC Pronouns:** They/them **Contact:** [[gm_cameron@originstory.oxfordrpg.com]] **Game Interests:** I'm interested in theories of identity, and what a character's spark means to //them//. **If I Had a Spark:** The ability to instantly master any skill, starting with baking. **NPC List:** ^ Name ^ Pronouns ^ Location ^ Description ^ | Erity Silva | She/her | Forum | Set up the spark club at the Udarnik Centre | | newKidOnTheBall | She/They | Forum | Brawlball player for the Udarnik Pelicans |