Table of Contents


When and Where?

Origin Story will be played on the Origin Story Discord – for information on how to join Discord, see below. Starting on the 27th of July the games will play every other week. Games will start at 7pm BST, and run for three hours. Here is a timetable for what days games will happen:

Session Date
Character Creation Tuesday 20th July
Session 1 Tuesday 27th July
Session 2 Tuesday 10th August
Session 3 Tuesday 24th August
Session 4 Tuesday 7th September
Session 5 Tuesday 21st September
Session 6 Tuesday 5th October
Debrief TBC, week beginning 11th October

If you can't make a session, don't worry! You can still continue to play the game, and even submit a turnsheet if you want, and it will be assumed your character just couldn't make it to active hours for some reason.

What Uptime Looks Like

Gameplay in Origin Story during Uptime will take a number of different forms. Each of these forms will be represented on the Discord; please note, any discussions happening in places the GMs can't see (e.g. Discord DMs) are not occurring in-universe.

Forum Pages

Personal Pages


Player Channels


If you’re new to Discord, do not worry! Here is a brief guide to help you log on, as well as some useful tips for using the service.

To Join:

  1. Create your character using our Google Form. Once approved, we'll email you a link to our Discord server.
  2. Sign up to Discord using an email account (this should be a personal address, not your IC email address). You can do this by downloading and installing the Discord desktop app, or by simply using the browser version.
  3. Click on the invite link that the GMs will have sent you by email and it will automatically give you the option to join the server.
  4. You can see all the servers that you are part of in the Discord sidebar on the left-hand side, where they will be represented by circular icons. Select the Origin Story server from this sidebar.
  5. Once you've joined the server, right click on your name in the user sidebar on the right-hand side and select “change nickname”. Change it to your character's name along with their preferred pronouns.
  6. You can change your profile picture by clicking the gear icon (User Settings) at the bottom of the channel sidebar on the left-hand side. This will take you to the 'My Account' tab where you can edit your username, password and profile picture
  7. By left clicking on your name in the user sidebar, you can see which roles you have been given. These represent sets of access permissions that the GMs have given you. Discord roles do not exist IC and should not be used to gain information about other characters. They are instead used to represent your character's abilities, locations, equipment, and other things. If you think there is something wrong with your roles (e.g. you're missing one that you think you should have, or you have one but don't know what it means) feel free to ask a GM.


Calls and Safety

In Origin Story we’ll be using several OOC (Out of Character) calls to help make gameplay fun and safe for everyone. Here they are:

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about this, or any other aspect of Origin Story, please do not hesitate to contact one of the GM Team!