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Business Sector

The skyscrapers of the Business Sector sit in the skyline from anywhere in the city. Streams of people flow down the streets, brought into work from all corners of the city by the Meyerail and subway systems. During the day the streets gleam with sunlight, reflected off of the many windows; at night, they are illuminated artificially as the buildings light up.

This is the sector that never sleeps.


The Insurance Bureau The Insurance Bureau

“As a small business in a volatile world, you know you're just one Sparked outburst away from a costly disaster. But here at the Insurance Bureau we can provide the general liability insurance you need to develop with confidence. The Insurance Bureau: predictability, in an unpredictable world” - Television ad

The Insurance Bureau provides coverage to individuals and businesses alike. Of course, Sparked customers are seen as dramatically more risky and pay much higher premiums, and so many Sparks attempt to hide their powers when applying for insurance.
Bugle's Broadcasting

Bugle's Broadcasting

A skyscaper topped with all manner of antennae and dishes, Bryce Bridget Bugle's Broadcasting fills the airwaves with news and entertainment.

The Sleuth "The Sleuth" Offices

Cramped inside a few small offices at the base of Bugle's Broadcasting building, The Sleuth is still the dominant newspaper in Citropolis. Even with the advent of digital broadcasting The Sleuth has clung to relevance, seemingly due to the stubborn determination of Rajput R. Chaudry, creator of the paper and editor for almost fifty years.

Vertical Agricultural Centre Vertical Agricultural Centre

Four skyscrapers filled with plants are a burst of colour in a sector of glass and chrome. Vertical farming allows vast amounts of fruit, vegetables and rice to be produced right at the heart of the city. Alongside the 9-5 office workers a great number of workers in the business sector are farmers at the VAC.

Horizon Banking Group Horizon Banking Group

Citropolis' largest bank, Horizon provides personal accounts for many citizens – but their main business is in loans and investments into businesses and projects across the city.

High-rise Apartments High-rise Apartments

The residences in this district are small but flashy, and some people are willing to pay premium for the central location. Each such building is topped with a penthouse – spacious, beautiful and utterly unaffordable.

Stewart Industries Stewart Industries

An imposing skyscraper, and a monument to a 50 year legacy in defence equipment, branching into housing, finance and politics. Since The Fallout, Stewart Industries has become an increasingly common name in the news.

Notable Characters

Rajput R. Chaudry (he/him): Creator and editor of The Sleuth for its entire history, Chaudry popularised the paper as a cutting independently researched news source. As it grew, the opinions presented shifted and softened to appeal to a mainstream audience, but Chaudry remains sharp – The Sleuth is up to date and isn't scared to point out failings of the City Council.

Phoebe Hopps (she/her): A young reporter and Spark Specialist at The Sleuth. Hopps has a reputation for warning the dangers of Sparks, which is agreeable to most of the Sleuth's readers' sensibilities . If there is a Spark-adjacent disaster, you can be sure there'll be a Hopps article on the front page the very next day.

Heather Wu (ze/hir): Senior farmer at the VAC, Mx. Wu is widely respected across the city – everyone needs to eat. Ze is known for hir down to earth, practical approach.

Stretch (he/him): A Spark with strong, elastic arms who operates in mask around the Business Sector at night. He was recently the target of a vilifying article from Phoebe Hopps for pulling a bus into a lamp post – never mind that it was due for a full speed collision with a car.

Edmund Byrant Stewart (he/him): Owner of Stewart Industries, a defence equipment company which he inherited from his father, Edmund Byrant Stewart Sr., when he died in The Fallout. Stewart is an imposing man who makes public political appearances, and sits on the City Council. He maintains that Sparks are an uncontrolled threat, and that even Wallace Udarnik is a threat that Citropolis should not have to put up with.

business_sector.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/26 19:00 by gm_maisie