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The Redevelopment Area

The Redevelopment District Before The Fallout, this was a fairly prosperous place, but the destruction caused a considerable amount of damage to the District. In the immediate aftermath, those businesses and people who could afford to move out did so. City planners started reconstruction efforts, but most projects were left half-finished after budget cuts. They did, however, erect a statue of Wallace Udarnik to commemorate his “victory” – although, nowadays, the statue is almost constantly covered in anti-Spark graffiti.


Building Sites Building Sites

The number of unfinished city council projects have left the area with a number of uncompleted building works, abandoned once the money ran out. These sites offer a potential shortcut to the residential area, or a cool place to hang out, but kids who do so should be wary of running into danger: be that the lack of health and safety and the local bullies.

The Udarnik Centre for Excellence The Udarnik Centre for Excellence

The Udarnik Centre for Excellence is the local high school in the area. It was funded by the government alongside the initial post-Fallout investment in the area; much like everything else, that care and attention has fallen by the wayside somewhat. However, it certainly remains a place to get an education – more or less.

Hope Clinic Hope Clinic

Both drastically underfunded and in high demand, the Hope Clinic is the only clinic in Citropolis that specialises in sparked medicine. Waiting lists are extremely long, and the lack of research into this kind of medicine means that offered services are very limited, no matter how hard the staff work.

Stonebrick Apartment Complex Stonebrick Apartment Complex

Not everyone was able, nor wanted, to move out following The Fallout, and those who remained live mostly in the apartment complexes still standing. Stonebrick is a typical example of one of these: tall, grey, and full of people. Should problems occur, landlords are notoriously slow to respond, so residents of Stonebrick have to be fairly self-sufficient.

Notable Characters

Doctor T. Russell (he/him): A fast talking, brilliant, incredibly overworked yet dedicated doctor at the Hope Clinic. Dr Russell is passionate about his patients, but is stymied by the lack of funding to the clinic, and the lack of research into sparked medical issues.

redevelopment.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/18 16:58 by gm_maisie