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News: December

Below are extracts from various articles collected from The Sleuth.


Zackary Watts

At the beginning of November, a large group of Sparks gathered in Levitt Park in the Recreational District. These Sparks protested against The Alan Hoyne Institute for Sparked Individuals, the treatment of Sparks, and the upcoming Spark Registration Act. This reporter was on location recording events as they took place, and managed to record some quotes from speeches given.

“The spark inside us is real!” Cried a teenage boy, beginning the trend of speaking on Sparked experiences. “We are not a threat to you, but we are not going away, and if you want us out of the shadows, you’ll have to deal with us as we really are: people, like you!”

Another speaker recounted tales of The Alan Hoyne Institute; then, Nestor Hoyne, a City Councillor, also come forth and said their piece. The demonstration itself remained peaceful throughout, and no one was hurt.


Euphemia Bennington

A student at the Udarnik Centre for Excellence has been taken into police custardy as part of an ongoing investigation into the recent break in at the Udarnik Compound. Not much is known about the break in, though police believe the culprit was between 15-20 years old, and is known to have a Spark.

A statement released by Wallace Udarnik said “It is a shame that young people feel the need to bring such a bad reputation on Sparks. I have full confidence in the Citropolis Police Force to work swiftly in handling this case, and I am continuing to work closely with the department in handling Spark-related incidents at all levels.”

The student, who has been identified by Erity Silva, has been taken in as part of the investigation. It is not clear at this time whether it is believed Erity was the perpetrator, but police have not made any further public comment. Erity's fathers could not be reached for an interview.


Phoebe Hopps

Citropolis’ resident hero Wallace Udarnik has given a statement criticizing the recent so-called ‘pro-Spark’ protest that took place last week in Levitt Park. In an exclusive interview with The Sleuth, Udarnik explained how such demonstrations merely aimed to cause chaos and spread disinformation.

According to Udarnik, the agenda of the organisers of the demonstration is not for Spark rights, but rather part of a malicious anti-government programme that in fact is working against legislation that would be beneficial to Sparks, such as the upcoming Spark Registration Act. Udarnik calls for law abiding Sparks like himself to join him in denouncing the dangerous agenda of the protestors and rallying around the government’s efforts towards actual constructive legislation that will improve their lives, and protect the entirety of Citropolis.


Phoebe Hopps

The villainous trio branding themselves “Triple Threat” struck again, this time for the cities heart by attacking the Vertical Agricultural Centre which feeds our city. Their attack was just about staved off by police, but the senior officer on the scene said “we just don’t have the tools” for attacks like this. All three members of Triple Threat are still at large.

“It’s a disgrace,” said Mx Wu, senior farmer at the VAC, “everyone in Citropolis needs to eat. This was a terrorist attack on what should be the most venerated place in the city. Such events increasingly justify Mayor Meyer’s recent policy.”

Renowned for hir silence on political issues, Mx Wu throwing hir support behind the registration act is a severe blow for those who still oppose the act.


Rajput Chaudry, Editor

The Spark Registration Act, Mayor Meyer’s hallmark piece of legislation for this term, has been passed by a significant margin in the City Council. However, in what some are calling a blow to Meyer’s unassailability, a notable minority of Councillors voted against the act.

Nestor Hoyne, a City Councillor for the Bay Area who led the movement against the act on the Council and was recently sighted at a Spark-organised protest in the support of the same cause, gave the Sleuth some quick comments.

‘The Spark Registration Act is a travesty,’ they claimed, ‘Undermining the hard-won freedoms of all Citropolitans. But I, and I hope my colleagues in the No aisle, will continue to stand firm in defence of civil liberties.’

We asked them: ‘Now, Nestor, you’re the child of the famed philanthropist Alan Hoyne. Is it from him that you get your concern with Spark rights?’


‘Care to elaborate?’

‘Well, perhaps ‘no; is too simple. I suppose my father taught me not to judge by appearances. A lot of people who seems frightening really aren’t, once you get to know them. And people, places, deeds, acts, that sound good, safe, protective… they can be quite the opposite in reality.’

Interesting and controversial words from a bright new star in the political firmament. It seems politics in Citropolis might be starting to get more oppositional than it has been since your editor here was young.

Registration stations are now open in Redevelopment, Business and Central Districts. It will be a criminal offence to be an unregistered Spark after the 31st December.

December School News

Below are links to the school news pages for December. You will only have access to the news for your own school.

news/4.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/21 16:10 by gm_maisie