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Remember, if you have any questions that aren't answered here, you can email The GM Team, who will happily help.

Do I have to pay anything?

The Society Game is free to all members of OURPGSoc, although this does have a membership fee of £5 for a year or £15 for life. However, to allow people to get an idea of what the game is and how it operates, as many will not have done anything like this before, we're more than happy for non-members to play for the first few weeks of the game. If, after that, you feel like sticking around, we'd appreciate you contacting the society Treasurer (who can provide more details about the payment options). Their info can be found here: Becoming a member helps keep the society going, so we can run more cool games like this one!

Can I play my favourite character from X?

As a general rule, we won't allow player characters that are lifted from existing media. Quite aside from copyright concerns, adapting an existing character to fit within the specific setting of this game will inevitably lead to times where the original character could do something that isn't allowed within this system, causing all manner of headaches. Besides, we think you'll have much more fun playing your own, original character, and making them your own!

We certainly don't discourage looking to other sources for inspiration, just not literally copying characters; here are some of the things that inspired this game's tone!

faqs.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/16 18:48 by gm_oli